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Alerts Overview

Readers are advised to read the Gyeeta Architecture page before reading this section.

Alerting Architecture

Gyeeta supports two types of alerts :

  • Realtime Alerts where the Alerting rules are evaluated on every new event

  • DB Aggregated Alerts where a delayed evaluation occurs based on previous historical data within the DB datasets

Alerting Rules are evaluated both from any of the Madhava intermediate servers and from the Shyama central server itself. Shyama server has an Alertmanager component which is the final step in the Alert Evaluation chain and on an Alert trigger, the Alertmanager within Shyama will send the alert Action (Notification) request to a remote Alert Agent which will then execute the Alert Action.

Alert Definitions and Actions are configured using either the Web UI or using REST APIs. To add or modify Alert Actions, users need to have admin role priviliges. To add or modify Alert Definitions, Silences or Inhibits users need to have readwrite priviliges.

Terms used

Alert Actions (Notifications)

Alert Actions (Notifications) currently supported :

  • Email
  • Slack
  • Pagerduty
  • Webhooks

Alert Actions need to be configured prior to adding any Alert Definition. Alert Action changes need admin priviliges. An alert definition can optionally change some of the fields within the Action specific to the Alert Definition.

Alert Definitions can configure upto 8 Actions and these actions can also be dynamically called/skipped depending on the Alert Data.


Silencing refers to the process of suppressing any Alert before it goes Active. Silencing can be either Global Silences for all Alert Definitions or specific to a single Alert Definition.

Silences definitions specify a Time Range during which the alerts would be suppressed. Global Silences can have optional Filters for the Alert data set and only alerts which match the Filters will be then silenced.


Alert Inhibition refers to the process of suppressing any new Alert before it goes Active, based on the prior occurence of some other Alert. Alert Inhibition can be used to prevent Alerts cascading. For example, an Inhibit rule can be set to prevent Warning severity alerts for a specific cluster, if a prior Critical severity alert say for the same Alert Definition has occured and is active.

Alert Acknowledgement

Acknowledgement refers to the process of suppressing any Repeat Alerts for a currently Active Alert. Once an Active Alert has been Acknowledged, no Repeat Alert Notifications will be sent and only on Alert Resolution or Expiry will the next notification occur for that specific alert.

Alert Grouping

Grouping refers to the process whereby alerts of the same Alert Definition are grouped together (upto max 8 alerts at a time). Grouping is based on setting a Group Wait Duration (max 10 minutes) and can be optionally set to include fields within the Alert data which must match to be in the same group.

If Grouping is enabled, then alerts of the same Alert Definition and having the same Group Alert Fields will be clubbed together and will be sent only after the Group Wait Duration is complete.

Alert Actions using Email or Slack will be sent as a single notification whereas Pagerduty or Webhooks will be sent individually.

For Alert Resolution, grouping is not considered and individual alert notifications will be sent as and when they resolve.